List of workshops you can expect at the conference (not complete)

Katja Apat Rožič

Be Mindful, Not Mind Full

All, 20 minutes

We all have our minds full of various everyday situations that cause different kinds of stress. And, to somehow survive in this hectic world, mindfulness is the right solution for it. I’ll share some useful techniques of mindfulness, which we can use for ourselves or, as teachers, for our students. So, join me in this mindful session and become an even better you

Breda Banovšek

Are you mental?

All, 45 minutes

It’s difficult to take care of our mental health when we put so much focus and energy into our students. But what if there is a way to maintain your sanity in the classroom while tackling the issue of your students’ mental health? Join me for my workshop where you might get some great ideas for your students and yourself.

Gordana Bujanić Tretinjak

To boldly go where rare have gone before

All, 45 minutes

Practical ideas for creating digital projects with students of any level and all ages.

This is a talk on how to make students use their knowledge and digital skills. It presents the ways to make it easy, fun and interactive all the way, all the time being a great source of various formative and summative assessment throughout the whole process.

Barbara Čatar

Language Acquisition: A Consequence of Using English as a Tool of Self-Expression

All 30 minutes

My students use English to self-express and to talk about their emotions and feelings, because they find it easier to talk about personal things as well as sensitive topics in a foreign language. By doing so, they subconsciously and unintentionally acquire and develop their language skills regularly. They learn as they discuss personal issues and express emotions. In this talk, I will briefly present how English has positively contributed to the personal growth of my students and how encouraging their self-expression in English has improved their knowledge of the language.

Barry Condon

Helping students to get the most from online content

All This presentation will help educators to parse the lexis of online content and determine its suitability for L2 students. Using a selection of online tools, teachers will be better able to recommend and make use of the wealth of material that sites like YouTube and Netflix have to offer while avoiding content of lower educational value and relevance.

Tjaša Čuček

Glocalize, Adapt, Overcome: The Ultimate Guide to Empowering Your Students

Prim 45 minutes

Is it flavour or flavour? In this talk, we will explore the social life of English as it comes into contact with local cultures and diverges increasingly from its standardized varieties. What are the implications of such globalizing principles for the ELT and how we can utilize them to our students’ advantage? Let’s find out with Right on!

Lea Deržanič

3D and creative apps in ELT history-related topics

Prim 20 minutes

The presentation of a good teaching practice focuses on a specific history-related topic, handled much more intriguingly than usual. Using eye-catching and interactive 3D as well as creative apps with built-in skill-developing tasks, it is very illustrative and experimental, which arouses pupils’ interest and helps them to fully immerse themselves into the topic, and acquire knowledge on a deeper level.

Nada Đukić

Are difficult learners and/or difficult learning a new norm?

Prim 45 minutes

In this experiential workshop, we will look at some tools of restorative practice that can be applied when we face difficulties in learning and teaching. We will analyse the factors that trigger guilt and shame in learners, and thus affect their self-confidence and identity. In the format of case studies, the procedure to restore the damage caused will be presented.

Melody Elliott, Catherine Cheetham

Taking a Leap: Utilizing Graded Readers for Content-based Learning

Sec, ESP  

How can teachers promote content-based learning with learners who may have limited language skills? One overlooked solution is graded readers. This talk will give practical tips to teachers who are interested in combining the benefits of extensive reading (e.g., comprehensible input, activation of existing schema, and the development of analytic skills, etc.) with content-based instruction.

Flo Feast

Let’s Get Motivated!


Language learning requires some serious motivation. For lessons to be successful, we need to get our learners engaged in what they’re doing, who they’re with, and the materials they’re using. In this seminar, we’ll explore what motivation is, why it’s important, and how we can help our learners achieve it. We’ll discuss practical activities teachers can use in the classroom, be it the physical classroom or online, to boost learners’ motivation and overall achievement. We’ll be using the National Geographic Learning series Our World Second Edition, as well as tips and tricks from experienced teachers and teacher trainers.

Flo Feast

Tapping into Teen Spirit


Teenagers often get a bad rap. If asked for an adjective to describe a teenager, you may hear ‘moody’, ‘lazy’ or ‘uncooperative’, but we were all teenagers once, so what’s going on? Why can’t we find ways to tap into all that teenagers have to offer? In this seminar, we’ll discuss the challenges we and our teenage students face in the classroom, and how we can help to ensure that our teenage learners get the most out of their English language learning opportunities. During the talk, we’ll utilise National Geographic Learning’s New Close-up, as well as practical techniques to help us tap into that infamous teen spirit.

Veronika Frešer

Let’s take English outside the clasroom!

Prim, 30 minutes

Getting tired of classrooms? Need some fresh air? Or just a simple change of the environment?

In my presentation, I’m going to provide some (mostly) simple ideas of how to take English outside the classroom, which have all been “tested” by me and my students. And trust me, your students will not be the only ones enjoying these lessons 😉.

Craig Gamble

EFL learner perceptions of video feedback


Written feedback remains one of the most widely used methods of providing feedback in higher education contexts, yet students continually report the ineffectiveness with this method. Thus, technology-enhanced modes of feedback such as video are explored as an alternative to written feedback. This presentation will discuss the results of learner perceptions of video feedback in Japanese L2 higher education contexts.

Karmen Goršak

Unpacking success criteria with checklists

Sec, 30 minutes

Assessment must be valid, reliable, objective and transparent. Teachers and examiners use their tacit knowledge when they ‘decode’ the given criteria. To make the assessment criteria useful, meaningful and easy to follow we can use checklists to demystify and unpack the rubrics. Checklists are a valuable tool in enhancing students learning. Students become active agents and equal members in the assessment process.

Andrej Ivanović

Presenting … presentations! (Developing presentation skills in students).

All,    30 minutes

The presentation will focus on why (I think) presenting is a useful if not necessary skill to develop in students early on. It will encompass all the elements that go into developing presentation skills in students from the teacher’s perspective, such as guiding students toward making a good presentation, assessing their work, giving feedback, developing students’ critical thinking capacities and more.

Bojan Kašuba

How to get a project off the ground

All 30 minutes

The presentation will take participants through the process of deciding on a topic for a project. It will be shown how they and their students can decide on a topic and go through the creative process of developing original ideas. A selection of methods, such as Think, Pair, Share and Crazy 8, will be presented to give the participants the tools to start on their own project.

Laszlo Katona

The power of acting in in a foreign language – Be in for surprise…

All, 30 min

Do you still remember all your feelings when you started to learn your first foreign language? Was it easy to follow instructions? Do you remember how you felt when your teachers were talking to you and you did not understand of word of it? Would you like to re-live what your students may go through during your lessons? Join me in my session, and I will help you remember.

Laszlo Katona

Theatre activities and language learning

All, 20 min

Let me take you to a fascinating journey into the realm of theatre and language learning to help you experience how much fun actually language learning can be even though langauge learning requires a tremendous amount of hard work and effort, perseverance and motivation.

Amy Kennedy

Teaching English Through Dance: Movement as Language

VYL, YL 30 minutes

Join me in taking a look at two techniques of teaching English with creative movement and dance. We will explore how early learners can use movement both as a bridge between Slovene and English, and as a language of its own, enabling us to mostly omit the use of Slovene in teaching English.

Nina Klemen Blatnik

How to design a unique lesson plan?

YL, Prim, 45 minutes

Each class has its own characteristics. The students in the class are very different from each other. If we want the students to be active, to put their effort into the work and to be successful, we must take this into consideration when planning lessons. At the workshop we will design a lesson plan that will perfectly fit your students.

Kristy Kors

Teaching writing successfully

All, 45 min

Despite the technological aids to writing that are now freely available, good writing is still an art. It is also a communicative skill that learners are required to master in order to not only survive but to succeed in life. In this session we will look at ways in which we can help our learners communicate effectively through the written word and maybe even enjoy it too!

Klavdija Krempl Slana

How to read and deconstruct dramatic texts

Sec 30 minutes

The presentation will focus on how to read and analyze dramatic texts. A set of dramatic features (conventions of drama) will be introduced and explained with the help of the 1959 play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry will be used.

Nina Kremžar

Reported Speech and Backshift of Tenses in EFL Textbooks

Sec, 20 minutes

Reported speech in the English language represents a tricky grammatical chapter for many Slovenian students. The confusion becomes greater when certain EFL textbooks disregard the basic grammatical rule of tense backshift in certain examples. In this talk, I will discuss specific EFL textbooks that insufficiently deal with reported speech and try to show why insisting on the rule matters.

Petra Krhlanko

Travel broadens the mind…


…Therefore, what better way to broaden your students’ minds inside the classroom as well as to ignite the sparks of passion for travelling than by making them draw up a travel plan? Sharing my experience of travel plan class projects, focusing on the highs and lows, I hope to encourage other teachers to take a creative approach to oral assessment.

Nina Križanec Rodica

Learning in sleep

All, 20 minutes

Learning in alpha state is a learning method, which is not used often, but is very useful. There are some characteristics, that are important to know before using it to maximize the learning process. I highlight the knowledge which can be learnt that way, explain the process and give examples. Join me and use the full potential of your brain.

Adela Krois

Learning English through elements of sport

YL, 30 minutes

Physical activity, movement and games make it easier for children to come into contact with English as a foreign language and make it easier for them to accept it. I place great emphasis on learning English through movement and sports. This approach awakens positive feelings in children, so learning is faster and knowledge more lasting. The integration of English with movement and sports offers learners experience and knowledge, which is an important factor in acquiring motor and communication skills. In this workshop attendees will work on integrating elelments of sport into English language teaching.

Lucija Kuntner

Almost all creativity involves purposeful play

Sec, 30 minutes

A creative workshop using the NTC method and theatre pedagogy that goes beyond the conventional teaching techniques. The topic of art and its three major categories are presented through subcategories using the NTC codes, hidden words, rhymes and associative technique, and thus increasing functional knowledge. Finally, the activities aim to stimulate participants both physically and cognitively.

Natalie Lackovič

Murder she wrote, vol. 2- The case of the kidnapped teacher (CLIL lesson example)

All, 45 minutes

Who doesn´t love a good detective story? Full of cliffhangers and puzzles, crime stories are an exciting genre of fiction that can capture readers’ imaginations and keep them turning pages. Hang on, and you´re the main character? A perfect blend of creative writing and CLIL, adaptable for levels B1-C1. Come and try, if you dare.

Dora Lenart

The Problem of Facticity in Ishiguro’s Novel Never Let Me Go

Sec, 45 minutes

The talk will see the problem of facticity in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go from two perspectives, one from a perspective of the anticipation of the end of life and impacts it has on the psychology of characters and the other one from a perspective of freedom in its positive and negative sense.

Metka Lovrin

Boom, Whack, Clack in the YL Classroom

VYL, YL, 45 minutes

Music is quintessential for the early foreign language learner. But music is not just hitting the play button on YouTube. Music is diverse and (most importantly) accessible to everyone—also to the non-music teachers among us. Tune in to gather ideas and to engage in rhythmical play, classroom and body percussion, wiggling fingers and expressive dance—all neatly packed in a topic-based lesson.

Andreja Mandeljc

Games a̶n̶d̶ groups – games in groups!

YL, Prim 45 minutes

Strike out vocabulary lists once and for all! Fresh ideas on grouping and regrouping students and tailor-made games for grade 3 to 5 classrooms, as well as tools to help you create games for your own classrooms.

Urška Mejač

Personalized activities

Sec 45 minutes,

This workshop will be consecrated to personalization. We’ll discuss the benefits, take a look at some personalized activities that proved successful in my classes, and try to personalize different activities at the workshop itself.

Jana Mlakar

Going Mental!

Sec, 20 minutes

The talk describes the activities completed with and by students on the topic of mental health, a prominent issue among teenagers. Activities are focused on their experiences with mental health, stereotypes and stigma that are still present in the society today. Moreover, students prepare or are given practical tools to deal with mental health issues or help others.

Bojana Nikic Vujic

Special Education Needs in ELT

Sec, All 45 minutes

During this workshop through various activities, we will explore some types of Special Education Needs such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autistic spectrum, and visual and auditory impairment. Further on we will look at the strategies for developing inclusive and supportive environment. The last part of the workshop will be dedicated to practical activities for each SEN mentioned.

Nora Nemeth Tartsay

Using technology to teaching thinking

All, ESP 45 minutes

The current issues in the world around us have made it considerably more difficult to find credible sources of information in digital media. The situation is even more challenging for those whose English is not their mother tongue, and who might misunderstand or misinterpret the subtle linguistic differences in the media; or for those who use digital media to report on their experiences of the events, without a high-level proficiency of English or any training in media. Problem-based learning (PBL) is defined as an “constructive, self-directed, collaborative and contextual activity” (Dolmans, et al., 2005, p. 739) that develops critical thinking, communication skills, self-learning, and transferrable skills. In this workshop, a problem-based approach is presented in the teaching of digital media literacyin the EFL classroom, with a special focus on the five basic steps of PBL (Duch et al, 2001): identifying the problem, finding and evaluating resources, solving the problem using cooperative techniques, presenting the results and evaluating the process.

Andrew Nowlan

COIL with different L2 learning goals: Challenges and strategies

Sec, ESP 30 minutes

This presentation will draw on the experiences and research of the speaker, who led two collaborative online international learning (COIL) courses between students in Japan and those in the United States and Canada. Despite different L2 learning goals (English vs. Japanese), the speaker will highlight the challenges and strategies for implementing COIL in any L2 program.

Jožica Nuč

Are you bound for some action?

Prim, 30 minutes

If you want to provide your students an opportunity of learning that is not boring, Actionbound is the right web-based tool for you. It enables you to create mobile adventures and interactive guides for smartphones and tablets. It’s an educational tool that helps make learning fun, interactive and engaging. It is a great way of motivating students for learning.

Maja Osterman

Story Valley – international project

Sec,  30 minutes

In the Story Valley project we aimed to combine teaching language, critical thinking, and cultural heritage to get students to tell stories, thus improving their literacy skills. Using oral history combined with different literacy techniques students were able to discover stories about migration and reinterpret them in creative ways using visual, audio, and digital materials across different disciplines.

Alan Paradiž

Turning a textbook upside down with “Freedom Writers”

Sec,  30 minutes

The talk focuses on how I have used the topic on “change/fresh start” from the textbook provided (Success Upper-Intermediate) and due to its (potentially) low impact on students resorted to an alternative set of materials. A set of Freedom Writers diary entries/ a movie focusing on the issues of prejudice, ignorance, inequality, racism, white privilege in American society etc.) have made a difference and boosted students’ interest in the above mentioned topic.

Uwe Pohl

Lesson planning: do we need a fresh perspective?

Sec, 45 minutes

Systematic lesson planning is seen as as a basic competence of all teachers. But, with experience, teachers organise their ideas for a lesson more flexibly. Perhaps it is time to question the sequential, itemised lesson plan formats that teacher trainees are trained to start out with but soon leave behind. This workshop will invite participants to explore alternative ways of thinking about lesson shapes and consider formats that are more in keeping with the unpredictability of lesson events.

Tanja Primožič

Tolerance in schools

All, 20 minutes

Tolerance plays an important role in promoting social equality at school. In addition to showing students how to interact with others, it also teaches them how to learn from people who are different from themselves. I would like to present several different tips for teaching tolerance in classrooms.

Ana Radic

Developing empathy in students

YL, Prim, 30 minutes

This presentation will deal with the issue of lack of empathy within students these days.

Examples of how you can include this topic into your everyday lesson will be given. A part of the presentation will be done as a workshop where teachers will take on the roles of teenagers so that they would also develop empathy. 

Nina Rainer Klančnik

5 no prep activities for a fun ESL classroom

All, 45 minutes

Who doesn’t love no (or at least low) preparation activities for our foreign language classes? In my workshop, I’ll show you my top 5, which can be adapted to suit many different ages and levels (I’ve used them in both primary and secondary schools), and give you links and materials to use in your own classes.

Daniela Reić Šućur

Having fun in the classroom

YL, Prim, 45 minutes

Everybody likes to laugh and have fun. But how about laughing and having fun while teaching?

This workshop offers practical ideas and examples of vocabulary and grammar activities that are fun, interesting, and above all easy to create!

Benefits? An increase in enthusiasm and confidence, joy and stress reduction that lead to quicker and easier learning!

Emina Rekanović

Ice-breaker Activities – How can Images be Helpful in a Classroom?

All 30 minutes

This interactive presentation will focus on usage of an ice-breaker activity (Flash the Picture) as a teaching tool and method. During the presentation the activity will be presented and several photos will be used to show how a simple image can be a great tool for introducing the lesson, teaching grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, question formation, parts of speech, numbers, colours, professions etc., facilitating 4 language skills, participation and thinking outside of the box.

Tamara Schüszler, Anna Szegedy-Maszák

Where mentoring and positive psychology meet

Sec, 45 minutes

In our workshop, we would like to briefly introduce mentoring in Hungary through an example of a secondary school where one of us is currently working in mentoring teacher trainees. Then, we would like to offer our participants a hands-on approach with mentoring, which also has a positive psychology focus.

Marija Sedmak

When the Penny Drops or How to Boost our Students’ Media Literacy Skills

Prim, 30 minutes

While there is an abundance of news just a swipe away, do our students really take a step back and think twice about what they have just read or do they just take it all in at face value? We will explore ways of boosting and further developing the students’ media literacy skills through various games and apps.

Danny Singh

How much sleep do teachers really need?

All 45 minutes

Why do we need to sleep? And how much is necessary? Teachers rarely sleep enough. What damage is caused by not getting enough sleep? The results of the research are shocking. We’ll discuss this together, as well as finding ways of improving the length and quality of your sleep.

Danny Singh

Is the Queen really dead?

All 30 minutes

Who was the Queen? We all saw her perform her royal duties following official protocol, with a formal and distant approach, but what was she really like off the camera? Through her contact with my family, I’ll give you real stories that you won’t read in the tabloids about how she was as a human.

Volodja Šiškovič

Using Film in English Lessons

Sec, 45 minutes

As reading is getting less and less popular with my students, I am trying to gather them around common topics with the aid of videos and films. They serve as a basis for discussion, help them learn storytelling, facilitate critical thinking, and allow them to have fun. I intend to tell you what I watch with them and why.

Gregg Sotiropoulos

Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication!

Prim, 45 minutes

Teamwork involves a wide range of skills, designed for improving your students’ performance in school. Its aim is to bring out the best in your class. Thus, ensuring self-development, positive communication and collaboration, leadership skills, and the ability to work closely together as a team, in order to solve problems.

Boglárka Spissich

Playful learning for adults – a treasure hunt

Adults 45 minutes

Playing games with adults is not a common practise in EFL class; however, it can function as a revision. The workshop will be based on a treasure hunt activity designed for adults to finish a month-long A2 intensive course. After the game, participants were asked to give feedback in a questionnaire, the results of which will also be discussed.

Tjaša Šuc Visenjak

Use of movies in the interactive classroom

Prim, 20 minutes

The brave always like to be different and to propose new teaching methods. Movies or other short videos can extremely contribute to a lesson. A successful English lesson with interactive movie content will present effective English teaching with the use of ICT equipment.

Mateja Sukič Kuzma

Added Value

All,  20 minutes

Virtual exchange project VALIANT (‘Virtual Innovation and Support Networks’) connects people from different cultural backgrounds in online collaborative learning. It brings together teachers, student teachers, and educational experts in different ways. This presentation highlights the outline of the virtual exchange project, the methods of online collaboration, and the implementation of lessons in the classroom.

Margit Szesztay

An A-Z of educating for sustainability

Sec, Adults 45 minutes

How to bring the issues of environmental degradation and climate change into the ELT classroom in fresh and engaging ways? I will share my experience of building an A-Z of key concepts and terms as a long-term project. Participants will have a chance to share their ideas for developing sustainability as a mindset, rather than a topic to cover.

Cristina Tat

Silver Linings: From Emergency Remote Teaching to EAP Resiliency

Adults 30 minutes

As we are moving beyond the Covid-19 pandemic and two years of emergency remote teaching online, what lessons can we take back as we return to our regular classrooms? As materials developers and curriculum designers for a coordinated English for Academic Purposes program at a university in Japan, we will share our insights on this topic.

Aleksandar Tonić

Be brave, keep calm and – teach culture!

Prim, 30 minutes

When, to what extent and, most importantly, how, should culture and cultural materials be applied in your primary-level EFL classroom? There is quite a lot to think about and discuss here. In this presentation, the stage for bringing culture into your English classroom will be set, ideas will be proposed, and some materials shared. Welcome!

Mateja Trebec

No need to stand still when you drill

All, 30 minutes

In this workshop participants will be able to experience activities that can help their students drill grammar structures or vocabulary use in a fun and engaging way. Activities involve a lot of movement, low or no preparation tasks, but still carried out as a controlled practice.

Michaela Trnová

Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge in Lower-Secondary Coursebooks Used in Czechia

All,  20 minutes

We usually talk about vocabulary breadth, i.e. the number of words the learner knows. Still, the depth of vocabulary knowledge is equally important. Therefore, examining whether vocabulary activities in coursebooks cover different aspects of vocabulary knowledge is also helpful. In my talk, I will focus on two selected lower-secondary EFL coursebooks used in the Czech Republic.

Sara Turnbull

Teaching Fairy Tales As A Feminist

VYL, YL 20 minutes

My presentation will be a talk based upon fairytales and the tool of storytelling in the young learners classroom. It will last 15-20 minutes with questions and group discussion.

János Ujlaki

Using digital storytelling to develop presentation and language skills

All 30 minutes

Digital storytelling is a learning strategy that develops digital competencies and enhances self-expression and communication. This talk focuses on the importance of these skills since they are essential in the 21st century, where future employees need to present their ideas or tasks to engage the audience. The talk will also focus on how to make an effective and engaging digital story, and how students can benefit from making and sharing these stories.

Chris Vasileiou

How to cultivate reading fluency for lower-performing students and students experiencing learning difficulties.

Sec, 45 minutes

Fluent readers read effortlessly because they are accurate, maintain a good reading rate and are expressive. This paves the way for easy comprehension of a given text. Students experiencing difficulties with reading struggle with reading comprehension. Let’s share our experiences on a topic which on many occasions requires remedial teaching and explore some recommendations for increasing fluency.

Chris Vasileiou

Let’s talk about assessment and grading!

Sec 45 minutes

A good grade can bring smiles and show accomplishment. A bad grade does not! Grades are important since they indicate the quality of a student’s performance. Join my presentation and together we will learn what we should check and rate when delivering the number or letter that symbolically measures our assessment of a student’s effort.

Dragana Vasilijevic-Valent

3 Tools for Developing Digital Emotional Intelligence (DEQ) in an FL Classroom

Sec 30 minutes

In this talk, I will present 3 free, easy-to-use tools for developing digital emotional intelligence in an FL classroom. The tools will help language teachers develop all three aspects of digital emotional intelligence in their students: Digital Empathy, Self-Awareness and Management, and Relationship Management. Teachers will also be given a variety of ideas for activities with the tools, that can be applied both offline and online for levels A2-C1.

Mateja Vidovič

Effective use of language learning apps and classroom learning activities

Prim, 45 minutes

It is imperative to keep learning fun and to provide students with quality education.

My workshop will focus on the use of applications and on the use of some classroom learning activities used in my classroom as a way of active learning.

Participants of the workshop will be able to experience an example lesson with the use of language learning applications and gain some valuable activities to supplement their resources for language learning.

Karen White

Be brave and teach grammar creatively!

Prim, 45 minutes

Do you want to be creative but feel it’s not possible when teaching grammar? In this workshop, we will look at activities that will help you to liven up grammar learning. This will include using cards, pictures, lists, song titles, drawings and even mobile phones or tablets.

You will leave realising that grammar doesn’t have to be boring.

Mateja Žgur

You can ICT it

All 30 minutes

Let’s face it – the ICT generations have already arrived. Come and take a ride with me through some simple and effective ICT tools that can spice up your lessons. My workshop offers you a quick guide into Plickers, Padlet (esp. Padlet maps) and Canva (presentations and videos). Come and try them out.

(Skupno 1.299 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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