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Conference 2022
Program Conference proceedings – zbornik konference
Media Literacy Symposium
IATEFL Slovenia, US Embassy in Slovenia and RELO office organised a symposium on the topic of media literacy. The symposium offered various presentations on the topic and guided group work to produce media literacy teaching materials for students of all ages. Program
6. razred
a) Datumi tekmovanja: Šolska raven – 29.11.2023 Državna raven – 19.03. ob 14.00 b) Dokumenti: c) Arhiv tekmovanja: Do arhiva tekmovanja lahko dostopate na spodnji povezavi: ARHIV
2nd National IATEFL Slovenia conference
with everything you might need in this day and age and more will take place on 5th and 6th February 2021 in Zoom. Registration fee for members is 20 eur and 50 eur for non members. Registration form Speaker proposal form Confirmed speakers: Steve Lever and Thom Jones The detailed […]
Spremembe pri datumih tekmovanj
Zaradi trenutne situacije so nastale manjše spremembe pri datumih tekmovanj. Najdete jih na straneh posameznega tekmovanja. Hvala za razumevanje.
Accommodation form Hotel Vivat
You are probably already very excited about the upcoming conference. You know there will be lots of opportunities for learning, but also time for meeting old friends and making new ones. To be able to do that, staying at the conference venue in hotel VIVAT is definitely the way […]
Natečaj ob dnevu jezikov 2019
Here they are – our selected contributions from the European Day of Languages 2019. Feel free to share them with your class as well! European Day of Languages 2019 Thank you for all your contributions! Natečaj ob Evropskem dnevu jezikov letos poteka v obliki kratke pisane besede. […]
IATEFL Slovenia is an associate member of IATEFL and a part of IATEFL family. More info at
Anglistični dan v Ljubljani
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